As a nonprofit organization dedicated to improving the health of our communities, The Forge Charitable Adventures is always looking for unique opportunities to support the places where our for-profit company operates. Get in touch with us to learn how you or your organization can help us to make a lasting impact on the town you love.
The Heritage Quarries Recreation Area
Lemont, Illinois
In 2019, The Forge Charitable Adventures identified several unique opportunities to support the Village and Township of Lemont by sponsoring initiatives in the Heritage Quarries Recreation Area.​ Through our initial work, we identified six foundational projects to enhance this historically significant area. Since beginning our work, we have invested over $3,000,000 into major infrastructure projects benefitting the community.
Examples include extending and widening the access roads, building new parking facilities, installing lights, security cameras, and signage, adding new trails and public spaces, clearing invasive trees, restoring pollinator meadows, funding environmental restoration studies, supporting a dozen Eagle Scout projects, and working with local government on a long-term plan for activating the quarries.
​Major representative projects underway or completed include:
Invasive plant species remediation - In-process
Developing the TFCA Nature Education Center - In-process
Quarry Shoreline restoration - In-process
Aquatic life (plants and animals) analysis and support - In-process
Meadow creation & restoration - In-process
Trail restoration and development (bike & pedestrian) - In-process
Public road & parking improvements - Complete!
New pedestrian footbridge and access trail - Complete!
Improved public parking facilities - Complete!
Children’s Educational Programming - Complete!
Looking ahead, we want to do more!
We are excited to partner with the community, local and regional businesses, and other environmentally focused non-profit organizations to oversee a 20-year Environmental Restoration Plan. Learn more HERE.
2019 - 2021
Retained 3rd party agencies and consultants to visit the HQRA and provide an initial determination of the kinds of restoration work that needs to be done and offer suggested pathways forward
Developed a phase one PUD to identify areas for improvement for the HQRA
Began clearing invasive trees and plants and building trails at the HQRA in accordance with the stipulations of the PUD
Invested millions of dollars in public infrastructure to add and improve trails, roads, lights, and access bridges to enable greater access to the HQRA
Developed extensive programming for corporate, scouting and other civic and conservation-minded groups to get involved in activities at the HQRA
Created a list of Eagle Scout and Bronze/Silver/Gold award project opportunities for scouts
2022 - 2023
Hosted TFCAs Earth Day Summit to showcase the work that we've done to this point and increase awareness of our mission in Lemont
Completed the development of the TFCA Adopt-A-Trail program to help maintain the trails we've already cleared and begin advertising it to corporate and nonprofit organizations
Completed initial Scouting Program activity offerings and secured a date for TFCAs inaugural Merit Badge Workshop event in May and camporee in September, 2023
Introduced a Conservation Sundays program at the quarries to engage and support the community to learn more about the quarries and conservation
Completed the TFCA Controlled Burn Plan and trained burn bosses
Obtained controlled burn permits from the Illinois EPA and the Village and Township of Lemont
Funded and completed a third-party Environmental Restoration Plan for the Heritage Quarries
Hosted our Weeds to Seeds awareness and fundraiser